A Thanksgiving Suggestion

It’s the first of November and I am thinking about…..estate planning!

Actually, I am thinking about the dining room table after a wonderful Thanksgiving meal, and the conversation that ensues while family members are gathered around, pushing back from a satisfying culinary delight, and yes – they begin to talk about …estate planning!

Over the years, I have encouraged our clients to plan on mailing/emailing literature about the need to have a Will, or, charitable gift planning, or retirement plans, to their respective donors one week before Thanksgiving.

Why?  It has been demonstrated, and in fact is widely known, that many of Arkansas’ financially well-to-do families gather together during the Thanksgiving holiday and discuss their year-end charitable giving.

And it makes sense – Thanksgiving is what I call a “clutter-less” holiday.  By that I mean that unlike Christmas – which typically shares all the activities, gift giving, and Ho- Ho- Ho’s of my Aunt Siter’s famous “Ho Ho Pie,” the Thanksgiving holiday provides a bit of a respite from the frantic days which will undoubtedly follow, and allows for quiet, family conversations to take place.

That’s why having a strategically shared brochure on charitable gift plans, or planning one’s estate, can make its way to the dining room table for Mom and Dad to discuss openly and honestly their estate plans with their adult children.

While I would be happy to share my Aunt’s amazing “Ho Ho Pie” recipe with you (hint: there is a “bit” of brandy included in her recipe), I would encourage you to send to your donors information about Wills and other charitable gift planning techniques next week.


Calendar Planning by Ken Sutterfield


A Valentine’s Day Suggestion to Share with Development Officers….